SMS > Android > Private box related questions

How to restore private messages?

Restore messages you backed up on Privacy Box Settings window : 

If you’ve backed up messages on ‘Privacy Box Settings’, the messages will be backed up to phone. (If your phone has an external SD card, it will be backed up to external first ) . If you don’t get a new phone, the files won’t be deleted, you can go to ‘Privacy Box Settings’ and restore to your phone directly. But if you change a new device,  you can’t restore them to new device, unless you move the SD card to your new device and the backup private messages file is not damaged.


Restore messages you backed up to Handcent Cloud: 

In the app, click on ‘Inbox’  on the top left, then click  ‘More’ to go the feature page. (You can also hold and then swipe right on the conversation page )Click ‘Backup’. There you can restore messages to your new device after you can log in with your account.